Exceptional Assurance Provision extended until 30th June 2021
When travel restrictions were first imposed at the start of the pandemic, the Government introduced measures to protect those whose visas were expiring but were unable to leave the UK. These individuals were given the opportunity to apply for an extension of stay known as ‘exceptional assurance’.
Exceptional assurance is not considered to be a formal grant of leave but protects against any adverse action or consequences. Any conditions attached to an existing visa or permission to stay are continued during a period of exceptional assurance. This could include permission to work, study or rent accommodation.
To request exceptional assurance, applicants must provide their personal information, details of their current status and reasons why the request is being made. It is also necessary to submit evidence of why it is not possible to leave the UK.
The exceptional assurance provision has been regularly reviewed and extended throughout the past year to continue to protect those in need. On 1st March 2021, the coronavirus COVID-19 guidance page confirmed that individuals whose leave or visa expires between 1st March 2021 and 31st March 2021 would also be eligible. On 23rd March 2021, this page was updated again and the provision has now been extended for those whose status is expiring on or before 30th June 2021.
Where a grant of exceptional assurance was previously given and the individual is still unable to leave the UK because of a change in circumstances, it is necessary to re-apply in order to extend that protection. Alternatively, if the intention is now to stay in the UK, a formal application must be submitted under the appropriate immigration category.
Should you need help extending your permission to remain in the UK, please use the enquiry form provided or call our immigration team on 020 7205 2115.
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