Paternity case resolved

by Kidd Rapinet on January 12, 2022

In a paternity case, one of our family solicitors, acted for the father as he sought advice regarding the paternity of his child.

He and the child’s mother had married in 2007 and a few years later when the child was approximately 4 years old he caught his wife cheating. This then led him to question the paternity of his son and he arranged for an internet paternity test to test himself. This test came back with the result that the child was not his.

He came to Kidd Rapinet for legal advice where we explained to him that in order for the paternity test to be valid it would have to be carried out by a recognised provider and we would have to make a Court application in relation to this. We then proceeded to make the relevant Court application and succeeded in obtaining a paternity test. The result of the paternity test again proved that our client could not be the biological father of the child. We then had to make an application to remove the father’s name from the birth certificate and also obtained this order.

During these proceedings, we also commenced divorce and financial proceedings as the child was a child of the family, and this involved extensive negotiations until finally the Decree Absolute was pronounced and our client obtained a clean break from the mother together with his removal from the birth certificate.

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