Child Arrangements What is a Child Arrangement Order? by Kidd Rapinet, February 11, 2021 What is a Child Arrangement Order? In an ideal world, child arrangements (know historically...
Family Law The Unmarried Truth: Living together is not the same (in the eyes of the law) as marriage by Kidd Rapinet, February 8, 2021 Cohabitees do not have the same legal obligations towards each other that marriage or...
Family Law The killer question? Will you ask or will you risk it? by Kidd Rapinet, February 8, 2021 There is surely no better way to drain the romance out of your relationship...
Divorce and Separation Separation and divorce during Covid 19 by Kidd Rapinet, November 5, 2020 Coping with separation and divorce during Covid 19 – what are your options? Coping...
Divorce and Separation If we divorce, who gets the dog? by Kidd Rapinet, August 7, 2020 It’s a common enough question for family Solicitors – who gets to keep the...
Divorce and Separation Help with domestic abuse during Covid 19 lockdown by Kidd Rapinet, May 5, 2020 Help with domestic abuse during Covid 19 lockdown The Covid 19 lockdown has led...
Family Law Living together during Covid-19 by Kidd Rapinet, April 15, 2020 Living together during Covid-19 The Covid-19 lock-in has seen many people take the next...
Child Arrangements Separated parenting during Coronavirus by Kidd Rapinet, March 22, 2020 These are unprecedented times – a few hours before the Government closed our schools,...
Divorce and Separation Covid 19 & Family Law by Kidd Rapinet, March 22, 2020 Covid 19 and Family Law This is an unprecedented time for us all. The...
Family Law Dispute Resolution – satisfaction or heartache? – learn a little about the process! by Kidd Rapinet, February 8, 2019 Key reforms to the court process in 1999 began a period of change where...