You might be aware that inheritance tax is typically 40% on a couples’ estate over £650,000 but did you know that long-term care charges could be 100% over £23,250? Make sense of it all at our free seminar.
You’ve agreed to act as an Attorney for a loved one, but do you understand what your responsibilities are?
Mum always relied on Dad to manage the finances but now he’s gone, will you know what to do?
You might have read that care costs are going to be capped, but do you know what this means and how it affects you?
There’s a lot to understand when you’re trying to plan for your financial future and changes in the Care Act may have left you unsure of the facts.
Kidd Rapinet in collaboration with local IFAs Myers Davison Ginger and in association with Age UK Buckinghamshire invite you to join us at a free seminar at The Gateway Conference Centre, AVDC, Gateway Road, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF on Thursday 9th April 2015 to receive advice on everything from will writing, to estate planning, powers of attorney, the 2014 Care Act and more.
Free parking is available at the venue and refreshments will be provided.
Peter Ginger of Myers Davison Ginger and John O’Shea of Kidd Rapinet will present the seminar and answer your questions.
To register your interest and book your place call 01296 432541.
There will be two seminars; the first to start at 3 pm and finish around 4.30 pm and the second will start at 6 pm and finish around 8 pm.